What is every parents, wo have children with allergies, nightmare? That they actually eat something that will cause an anaphalactic reaction.
Mine came true one day. We were at the mall and had gone to eat a this restaurant a few time because we knew that it was safe, as they have seperate deep friers for everything and are very knowledgeable about allergies. Both of the girls wanted veggies and French fries...usually all they can eat at the mall. While G had eaten ketchup a few times before I had no problem in letting her have some as they had given us a new bottle. J had never shown any interest in trying it so I didn't bother. On that day for whatever reason J asked for ketchup, I had already checked the bottle for ingredients and had called the company months before so for me it was ok. I put some on her plate. She had already eaten half of her fries and veggies before I had put a blob of ketchup on the side of her plate. In less than a minute her face was covered in hive and she was having trouble breathing. I gave her a large dose of benadryl and her puffers, thinking how did this happen?. But it wasn't really working. The waiter was next to us and notice what was happening he asked if we had epi pens n I said yes 2. Took us over to a private area so we can care for her and called for mall security and 911. Security arrived in seconds. I was in such a state of shock that I was begging them to stab her with the epi pen but they couldn't because I was her mother I had to do it. After what seems like for ever I got the guts and jabbed the epi pen into my little girls thigh. Within seconds her breating started to become normal just in time for the ambulance to arrive. They checked her vitals asked her questions I guess to determine if there was there any damage to motor skills and such. They have to take her to hospital and keep her there under observation for a few hours. My hubby went with her in the ambulance while I stayed with G. Tried to figure out what happened with the chef n wait staff. I went to meet up with them at the hospital. Asked the er doctor if someone cold be allergic to ketchup, he said that because her list is long and tends to cross over that it was the ketchup and to confirm it with her allergist. Great one more allergen to add to the list, at this point it had seemed that with every allegist visit there were more allergies that we had discovered. Needless to say that I didn't sleep for a week always checking to see if J was breathing while she slept.
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